REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES Cameron, E. C. & Jacquin, K. M. (2024). Emerging trends in cannabis administration for women with chronic pain. Mental Health Science. (link forthcoming). Cameron, E. C., Toussaint, L., Balfour Adjei, S., Crawford, J. N. Mounet, O., Trend-Cunningham, & Jacquin, K.M. (2023). Finding meaning in crisis: Gender, trauma symptomology, and spiritual practice impact posttraumatic growth in COVID-19 Ghana. Journal of Research in Psychology, (2), 1. 1-28,
Cameron, E.C., Ray, J. M., Trend-Cunningham, F. J., & Jacquin, K. M. (2022). Female incarceration rates and violence against women predict estimated prevalence of modern slavery. Trends in Psychology.
Cameron, E. C., Kalayjian, A., Toussaint, L., Cunningham, F. J., & Jacquin, K. M. (2022). Meaning-making predicts forgiveness as an indicator of posttraumatic growth with a stronger effect for natural disasters. Journal of Humanistic Psychology
Toussaint, L., Kshtriya, S., Kalayjian, A., Cameron, E., Popoff, L., Diakonova-Curtis, D. (2022). Religious affiliation is indirectly associated with less trauma symptomology through forgiveness and meaning making following hurricanes Irma and Maria. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
Cameron, E.C., Hemingway, S., Ray, J. Cunningham F.J., & Jacquin, K.M. (2021). COVID-19 and women: Key components of SDG-5 and the estimated prevalence of modern slavery. International Perspectives in Psychology.
Cameron, E. C., Hemingway, S., Cunningham F.J., & Jacquin, K.M. (2021) Global crises: Gendered vulnerabilities of structural inequality, environmental performance, and modern slavery. Human Arenas,4(3), 391-412.
Cameron,E. C., Hemingway, S. L., Tschida, S., Heer, R. K., & Jacquin, K. M. (2021). Gender inequality in national laws predicts prevalence of modern slavery victims across countries. Journal of Human Trafficking.
Hemingway, S., Cameron, E. C., & Jacquin, K.M. (2021). College students who believe they have ADHD report more neuropsychological symptoms than their non-ADHD peers. Journal of American College Health.
Cameron, E. C. & Hemingway, S. (2020). Cannabis for fibromyalgia pain: A systematic review of recent studies (2015-2019). Journal of Cannabis Research, 2, 1-11. https://doi:10.1186/s42238-020-00024-2
Cameron, E. C., Cunningham, F., Hemingway, S., Tschida, S., & Jacquin, K. M. (2020). Indicators of gender inequality and violence against women predict the number of reported human trafficking legal cases across countries. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-15.
PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS/CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Cameron, E.C. & Jacquin, K.M. (2022). Stigma, female identity, and cannabis use for women with chronic pain. University of New Mexico School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Research Showcase Abstract Booklet 2022, 3. [Abstract].
Cameron, E.C., Tschida, S.L., & Jacquin, K.M. (2021). Psychological factors predict evacuation compliance behavior across genders. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+), Prague, Czechoslovakia. [Abstract].
Cameron, E.C., Hemingway, S.L., Cunningham, F.J., & Jacquin, K.M. (2021). Gendered vulnerabilities: Climate change, violence against women, and human exploitation. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+), Prague, Czechoslovakia. [Abstract].
Cameron, E.C., Hemingway, S.L., Ray, J.M., & Jacquin, K.M. (2021). Women’s health inequities and human exploitation in Latin America and Caribbean countries. Presented at the 70th annual Congresso de Psicologia of the Interamerican Society of Psychology/Sociedade Interamericana de Psicología [Abstract], Espanhol, Puerto Rico, 2021.
Cameron, E.C., Jacquin, K. M., Heer, R. A. (2019). Gender inequality in national laws predicts prevalence of modern slavery across UN Countries. Paper presented at the 2nd International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics 2019 Caparica, Portugal. [Abstract] Forensics 2019, 146.